The CCA-EMC Fact Sheet

Title Agreement on the use of a commonly agreed Mark of conformity to European Standards for EMC.
Type European Mutual Recognition Agreement.
Basic document Operational Document CCA-EMC 501, first established 15 April 1997.
Scope of products The EMC aspects, as covered by relevant European Standards, of all products in the scope of the CCA.
Purpose To grant a common mark of conformity to European EMC Standards, which is unconditionally recognised by all signatories as equivalent to their own mark.
Management body CCA Group, limited to the representatives of the CCA-EMC signatories; operating within the European Certification System.
Signatories 17 Certification Bodies located in 17 European countries.
Admission of new signatories Agreement only open to Certification Bodies which are signatories of the CCA; admission following a peer assessment procedure.
Legal protection The CCA-EMC Mark is registered in Europe by one signatory on behalf of all the signatories.
Secretariat ETICS
29 Rue des Deux Eglises
1000 Bruxelles
Tel.: +32 23539830
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